Explore the Mount Stromlo Observatory Visitor Centre, your gateway to the universe. Engage with interactive exhibits, learn about astronomy, and enjoy panoramic views.
The Café and Visitor Centre are currently closed and we will reopen as soon as we are able. During the closure, the Mount Stromlo Observatory site (including the Heritage Trail) and Director's Residence will remain open as per the hours below. Events inside the Visitor Centre will still go ahead.


The Mount Stromlo Observatory site is open to the public daily from 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM.

The Director's Residence is open daily from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

The Visitor Centre exhibits feature not only Astronomy but world-class research from across ANU. It is unstaffed and entry is free. 

The Visitor Centre at Mount Stromlo has interactive astronomy exhibits and a new café with stunning views across Canberra. The refurbished centre will also give visitors a chance to observe sunspots and help astronomers find exploding stars.

Support us

We try to keep our public outreach and education programs as accessible as possible by charging minimally. If you would like to support our public programs, including our visitor centre, you can donate online.