
NameApproved to graduatePhD thesis
Anish Mayur Amarsi2017Three-Dimensional Non-local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Radiative Transfer and Oxygen Abundances in late-type stars
Wladimir Eduardo Banda-Barragan2016Magnetohydrodynamics of Wind-Cloud Interactions: Filament Formation in the Interstellar Medium
Fan Liu2016Chemical Signatures of Planet Formation in Field and Open Cluster Stars
Tammy Ann Roderick2016Milky Way Dwarf Galaxies: A Search for Stellar Substructure
Yan Jun Zhou2015Discovery and Characteristics of Transiting Planets and Low Mass Stars
Frederic Paul Andre Vogt2015Gas Flows and Star Formation as a Consequence of Galaxy Interaction in Compact Groups
Cherie Kate Fishlock2015Tracing the Evolution of the Galactic Halo through Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
Luke Jeremy Shingles2015Neutron-Capture Nucleosynthesis and the Chemical Evolution of Globular Clusters
Louise Margaret Howes2015The Oldest Stars in the Galaxy – Searching for Metal-Poor Stars in the Galactic Bulge
Marc Christopher White2014Outflows from young stellar objects: the case of DG Tauri
David Nicholls2014Nebular metallicites in isolated dwarf irregular galaxies
Andrew Raithby Casey2014Exploring substructure in the outer halo of the Milky Way
Michele Taisia Bannister2014Kuiper Belt Objects in the Southern Hemisphere Sky
Bradley Elton Tucker2013Through the Optical Glass: Multi-Wavelength Studies of Type Ia Supernova and their Host Galaxies
Ragini Singh2013Quasars and the Transverse Proximity Effect
Melissa Kay Ness2013The formation of the galactic bulge of the Milky Way
Devika Kamath Kotachery2013Studies of AGB stars
Eriita Gwendoline Jones2012Liquid Water on Mars
Simon John Murphy2012Revealing the Chamaeleon: young, low-mass stars surrounding Eta and Epsilon Chamaeleontis
Catherine Louise Farage2012The link between extended line emission and AGN feedback in brightest cluster galaxies
Wolfgang Kerzendorf2011Type Ia supernovae: explosions and progenitors
Daniella Carollo2011Structure, kinematics and chemical abundances of the inner and outer halo populations
Christine Peta Nicholls2011Evolution and variability of binary and single AGB stars
Emily Kate Moylan2011Dynamics of elliptical and bulge galaxies using planetary nebulae
Chas Egan2010The return of the heat death
Emma Marie Kirby2010Sharing the Baryons: Stars and Gas in Local Volume Galaxies
Lachlan Arnold Campbell2010The 6dF galaxy redshift survey tiling algorithm
Wolfgang Simon Hayek2010Photon scattering 3D radiation-hydrodynamical simulations of late-type stellar atmospheres
Grant Malcolm Kennedy2009Planet formation across the stellar mass spectrum
Se-Heon Oh2009Dark and luminous matter in dwarf galaxies
Jonathon Kocz2009Applied radio frequency interference removal in radio astronomy
Michiharu Hyogo2009Measuring the size distribution of long period comets (MPhil)
Tiago Mendes Domingos Pereira2009Confronting the new generation of stellar model atmospheres with observations
Michael Sean Goodwin2009Turbulence profiling at Siding Spring and Las Campanas Observatories
Daniel Douglas Bayliss2009SuperLupus : a long-duration survey for transiting planets
Jose Antonio Robles-Martinez2009The production and fractionation of chemical elements in the universe: constraints on terrestrial planets
Leith Edward Hope Godfrey2009Multiwavelength studies of x-ray bright extragalactic jets
Philip Kenneth Lah2009The evolution of gas in galaxies
Joshua William Rich2008A practical evaluation of the multi-scale CLEAN deconvolution algorithm for interferometric radio measurements
Vicky Safouris2008Environmental influence on the evolution of jets from active galactic nuclei
Sayuri Louise Prior2008RR Lyrae stars as tracers of substructure in the galactic halo (MPhil)
Jackie Louise Cooper2008A three-dimensional study of starburst-driven galactic winds
Mary Elaine Kathleen Williams2008The Arcturus Moving Group
Shane Michael Walsh2008Tracing the faintest Milky Way satellites
Ewan Cameron2008Galaxy bimodality & evolution from high to low redshift
Damian Fabbian2008Chemical compositions of stars in the light of non-LTE spectral line formation : the evolution of carbon and oxygen in the Galaxy
Laura Dunn2007SAPAC: an SBF analysis pipeline for mapping the 3-D structure of the local universe
Eduard Westra2007A wide field narrowband survey for star forming galaxies at different epochs
Christine Thurl2007Studying stellar atmospheres via microlensing
Laura Maree Stanford2007Investigations into Omega Centauri
Jessica Clare O'Brien2007Probing the shape of dark halos of thin edge-on disk galaxies
Craig Harrison2007The stellar populations in early-type galaxies
Sebastian Gurovich2007An Observational Study of the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation
Maria Elena Salvo2006SN Ia and Cosmology: How good are NS Ia as Distance Indicators?
Anna Frebel2006Abundance Analysis of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars from the Hamburg/ESO Survey
Antoine Claude Bouchard2006The evolution of dwarf galaxies in nearby groups
Holly Elizabeth Sims2006MHD Simulations of Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes
Gayandhi Manomala De Silva2006Chemical Homogeneity in Open Clusters
Brandon West Tingley2006Going from Light Curves to Confirmed Exoplanets
David Thomas Frederick Weldrake2005Giant Planets and Variable Stars in Globular Clusters
Minh Tieu Huynh2005Constraining the Star Formation History of the Universe with Deep Radio Data
Rachel Anne Moody2005The Southern Edgeworth Kuiper Belt Survey
Bradley Evan Warren2005The Nature of High H1 Mass-to-Light Ratio Field Galaxies
Catherine Louise Drake2004Intermediate radio loud Iras Galaxies
Matthew Grant Coleman2004Tidal Structure in Galactic Satelites
Brent Allan Groves2004Pressure in Photoionized Plasmas
Enrico Adrian Olivier2004Variable Red Giant Stars: Long Secondary Periods and Nonlinear Pulsation Models
Gregory Mark Wilson2004Adiabatic Compression of Dark Matter Halos
Paul Antony Price2003What Makes a Gamma-Ray Burst?
Isabel Perez-Martin2003Dark Matter in the Inner Parts of Barred Galaxies
Michelle M Buxton2002Optical and infrared observations of low-mass X-ray binaries with black hole candidates
Lisa Jennifer Kewley2002The AGN-starburst connection in warm infrared galaxies
Lisa Maree Germany2001The Mount Stromlo Abell cluster supernova search
Andrew John Drake2001The detection of microlensing with difference image analysis
Stefan Claude Keller2001Young populous clusters in the Magellanic Clouds
Mary Elaine Putman2001Mapping the Galaxy's neutral hydrogen halo
Roberto Soria2000Accretion processes in black-hole binaries
David William Pfitzner2000The structure of halos in CDM universes
David Heath Jones2000Tunable filter surveys of star-forming galaxies
Raven Kaldare2000The FLAIR Shapley / Hydra Redshift survey
Mark George Allen1999Excitation of the narrow-line regions of active galaxies
Sung-Eun Kim1999An HI aperture synthesis mosaic and H-alpha survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud
Martin Bureau1999Bars in edge-on spiral galaxies
Alister William McKenzie Graham1998Elliptical galaxies: structure, dynamics and applications
Frank de Ruyter1998IRAS galaxies behind the Milky Way (MSc)
Benjamin Willem Stappers1998Observations of eclipsing and binary pulsars
Claudia Faye Mccain1997Morphology and kinematics of interacting galaxies: the spheroidal + irregular pairs
Kim Sebo1997Cepheids and long-period variables near Magellanic Cloud clusters
Brett S Wells1997The far infrared to radio continuum correlation for nearby star-forming galaxies
Steven J Tingay1996Parsec and sub-parsec-scale structure and evolution in nearby compact radio sources and relationships to emission at other wavelengths
Sylvie F Beaulieu1996Dynamics of the Galactic bulge using planetary nebulae
Anton Michael Koekemoer1996Dynamics and excitation of extended emission-line regions in radio galaxies
Jonathon Falder Bell1996Binary and millisecond radio pulsars
Haida Liang1996Distribution of matter in clusters of galaxies
Jayanne English1995Gas dynamics and globular cluster formation in interacting galaxies
Christopher Erik Lidman1995An optical search for distant galaxy clusters
Stephanie M O H Côté1995Dwarf galaxies in nearby southern groups
Angela E Samuel1993The nature of star formation in the Trapezium Cluster
Markus Buchhorn1993Dark matter in spiral galaxies
Carl J Grillmair1993Dynamics of globular cluster systems
Boudewijn François Roukema1993Studies of the faint galaxy population
Ralph S Sutherland1993Interstellar shock fluorescence
Stuart D Ryder1993Massive star formation in galactic disks
Emanuel Vassiliadis1993Evolution from AGB star to planetary nebula
Yong-Ik Byun1993Dust opacity and structure of spiral galaxies
Saul Caganoff1992Optical emission lines in radio sources of intermediate power
Nick Achilleos1992Atmospheres nad Accretion Halos of Magnetic White Dwarfs
Ruan Kui1991Photospheric studies of M dwarf stars
Gregory Albert Wilson1991Kinematic and observational studies of stellar streams
Mark L Winsall1991Kinematics of giant elliptical galaxies and a study of nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxies
Sean Gerard Ryan1990Abundances and kinematics of high proper motion stars
Lilia Ferrario1990Accretion processes in AM Herculis systems
Robert Andrew Cameron1990A radio, optical and X-ray study of PKS 2104-25
Simon Richard Wayte1990The structure, dynamics and evolution of the Magellanic System
Roger James Verge Brissenden1990A multifrequency study of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei from the HEAO-1 survey
Matthew Bailes1990The origin of pulsar velocities
Chris M L Flynn1990The Galactic force law and the thick disk
Hans-Gerhardt R Meurer1990NGC 1705 and the evolution of blue compact dwarf galaxies
David A H Buckley1990Optica and X-ray studies of HEAO-1 X-ray sources
Glen Howard Mackie1990The stellar content of central dominant galaxies
Iain R Hercus1990A multiphase model of galactic collapse
Stephen Charles Russell1990Abundances of the heavy elements in the Magellanic Clouds
Steven Maxwell Straw1989The global morphologies of active star formation regions
Heather Lorraine Morrison1989Metal weak giants of the inner halo and the disk
George Paltoglou1989Populations in old stellar systems
Shaun Michael G Hughes1989The nature and kinematics of long-period variables in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Michael Charles B Ashley1989The type-I planetary nebulae NGC 6302 and NGC 6537
Stephen John Meatheringham1988Dynamics and evolution of planetary nebulae
Peter Fletcher Teague1988The dynamics and structure of rich clusters of galaxies
John Marshall Brett1988Spectrum synthesis of cool stars
Rodney M Smith1987Observations of a sample of southern radio galaxies
Ian Nigel Evans1987Calibration of the H II regiona abundance sequence and abundances in Seyfert galaxies
Catherine Margaret Lance1987Young, high-velocity A stars
R Alex Ruelas-Mayorga1987Infrared studies of the structure of the Galaxy
Gregg Rowley1987The structure of box-shaped galaxies
Richard James Wainscoat1987An infrared and optical study of edge-on galaxies
James Robert Lewis1987Kinematics and chemical properties of the old disk
Neil E B Killeen1985A radio to X-ray study of IC 4296 (PKS 1333-33) and NGC 1399 (PKS 0336-35)
Desmond John Hillier1984The extended atmosphere of the WN Star HD 50896
Colin S Coleman1984Axisymmetric models of extragalactic jets
Matthew W Fox1984The pulsation of long-period variables
Andrew John Pickles1984Differential population synthesis of 17 early-type galaxy nuclei in the Fornax Cluster
Kavan Upajiva Ratnatunga1984Outer regions of the Galactic halo
Graeme Hayward Smith1983The nature of cyanogen inhomogeneities within star clusters
Ian Robert George Wilson1983The evolution of H II regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Elaine Margaret Sadler1983Radio and optical observations of a complete sample of E and SO galaxies
Luc Aurelle Binette1983General spectral synthesis of nebular emission line regions
Dominic Michael Zarro1983Stellar chromospheres: H-alpha and Ca II K Profiles
Peter Joseph Quinn1983The dynamics of disk galaxy mergers
Claude Carignan1983Photometry and kinematics of pure disk galaxies
Warrick John Couch1982The colour evolution of galaxies in clusters
Peter J Mcgregor *1981Late-type supergiant stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Susan L Barrell1980Beat Cepheid studies
Alan Leslie Duus1980A Study of the Fornax I cluster of galaxies
David Griersmith1980The CM effect for early-type spiral galaxies
Mark Philip Schwarz1979Gas response to a rotating stellar bar
Peter Ledsam Cottrell1978Spectrum synthesis of evolved stars
Don Allan Vandenberg1978Globular cluster gas flow and stellar evolution studies
James Frederick Burrell1978A study of several R Coronae Borealis variables
Martha Noeleen Cleary1977Local galactic structure
See-Woo Lee1977Accurate C-M diagrams of six southern globular clusters
Gary Stewart Da Costa1977The structure and content of globular clusters
Jeremy Richard Mould1976The lower main sequence and the atmospheres of M dwarfs
Robert Arthur Gingold1976The helium burning evolution of low mass stars
Mun-Suk Chun1976Observational evidence for radial inhomogeneities in globular clusters
Harvey Raymond Butcher1974Observational aspects of nucleosynthesis
Garth Darrel Illingworth1974Masses of globular clusters
Gary Royce Hovey1974Software correction of astronomical telescope pointing errors
Peter Robert Wood1973Stellar evolution and planetary nebula ejection
John Bernard Hearnshaw1972The abundances of the elements in the oldest disk stars
John William Robertson *1972The evolution of massive stars
Ian Andrew Lockhart *1971High resolution observations at 80 MHz of Galactic and extragalactic radio sources
Norman Roy Stokes *1971The variability of M-stars (MSc)
Robert Dudley Watson1971A study of the Beta Cephei stars
Edward George Schmidt1970An astrophysical investigation of four classical Cepheid variable stars
John Edward Norris1970Neutral-helium line strengths in the early-type stars
Jasper Vivian Wall1970A deep sky survey at 2700 MHz
Krzysztof Serkowski *1970On polarization of starlight (DSc)
Beverley June Harris (Wills)1969Radio spectra of QSOs and galaxies
Donna Dee Hain (Shinkawa)1969The Mira variable S Carinae
Anthony Lockington Brooke *1969Infrared observations of globular cluster giants
Brian Murray Lewis1969The masses of some southern galaxies
Edward Barry Newell1969Hot extreme Population II stars
Ronald David Ekers1967The structure of southern radio sources
Gerard Henri de Vaucouleurs *1967Manuel de Photographie Scientifique (DSc)
Michael Stanley Bessell1967A study of some southern short period variables
John William Menzies1967Three-colour photometry of southern globular clusters
Lindsey Fairfield Smith1967Narrow band photometry of Wolf-Rayet stars
Ardon Robin Hyland1967A study of southern galactic clusters and the peculiar stars associated with them
Betty Louise Webster *1966Southern planetary nebulae
Richard Marcus Price1966Cosmic background radiation at 408 Mc/s
Natarajan Visvanathan *1966Polarization in the Galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud
Rawi Bhavilai1965The structure and dynamics of the solar chromosphere
James Alfred Koehler1965Intergalactic Atomic Neutral Hydogren
John Archibald Graham1964The application of hydrogen line photometry to Milky way research
Robert Reginald Shobbrook *1964Photographic, spectrographic and photometric studies of southern galaxies
David Sher1964Distances of some open clusters near Eta Carinae
Ivan John Danziger1964A high dispersion spectral study of one carbon star and two barium stars
Donald Jack Faulkner *1963A study of the 30 Doradus and Eta Carinae Nebulae
Roger Alistair Bell *1962White dwarf stars
John Bartlett Whiteoak1962The structure of the southern Milky way
Alexander William Rodgers *1958A photometric study of the Southern Coalsack
Colin Stanley Gum *1955A study of diffuse southern H-alpha nebulae
Antoni Przybylski *1954The maximum effect of convection in stellar atmospheres on the observed properties of stellar spectra

* Deceased