Colloquia recordings
Explore our colloquia recordings from 2010 to 2012
Date | Speaker | Title | Large Format (MP4) | Small Format (MP4) |
21 September 2012 | Shaila Akhter (RSAA) | RR Lyrae Stars in the Halo of the Milky Way | (MP4, 103MB) | (MP4, 37MB) |
16 August 2012 | Raphael Hirschi (Keele) | Evolution of massive stars and their various fates | (MP4, 196MB) | (MP4, 62MB) |
9 August 2012 | Phil Hopkins (Berkeley) | Star Formation, Black Holes, and Feedback in Galaxy Formation | (MP4, 163MB) | (MP4, 67MB) |
7 August 2012 | Jessie Christiansen (NASA Ames Research Center/SETI Institute) | Towards Determining eta_Earth: Characterising the Kepler Survey Completeness | (MP4, 143MB) | (MP4, 44MB) |
2 August 2012 | Inma Martinez Valpuesta (MPE | Evolution of barred galaxies. A model for the Milky Way bar and bulge in this context |
(MP4, 158MB) | (MP4, 47MB) |
26 July 2012 | Robert Izzard (Bonn) | How binary stars shape the stellar initial mass function and make the most massive stars |
(MP4, 35MB) | (MP4, 33MB) |
19 July 2012 | Ekaterina Filippova (Space Research Institute, Moscow/RSAA) | Variability of X-ray binaries with low-mass stars at large (comparable to orbital period) times scales |
(MP4, 76MB) | (MP4, 25MB) |
12 July 2012 | Christine Nicholls (UCSD) | Medium resolution spectra of T dwarfs with FIRE: radial velocities, kinematics, and atmospheric parameters | (MP4, 123MB) | (MP4, 43MB) |
5 July 2012 | Nicolas Regnault (LPNHE Paris) | Photometric Calibration of Wide Field Imagers - the DICE system | (MP4, 152MB) | (MP4, 45MB) |
28 June 2012 | Scott Croom (Sydney) | Massively Multiplexed IFU surveys: dissecting galaxy evolution | (MP4, 171MB) | (MP4, 46MB) |
21 June 2012 | Sarah Brough (AAO) | GAMA: From little blue fuzzies to big red monsters and beyond | (MP4, 106MB) | (MP4, 30MB) |
19 June 2012 | Ray Norris (CSIRO) | ATLAS to EMU: The era of large deep radio continuum surveys | (MP4, 192MB) | (MP4, 76MB) |
17 May 2012 | Sarah Martell (AAO) | Multiple stellar populations in LMC star clusters | (MP4, 77MB) | (MP4, 31MB) |
10 May 2012 | Richard Stancliffe (RSAA, ANU) | Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars and stellar nucleosynthesis | (MP4, 186MB) | (MP4, 59MB) |
12 April 2012 | Jade Carter-Bond (UNSW) | Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets: How common is Earth? | (MP4, 185MB) | (MP4, 50MB) |
3 April 2012 | Brad Gibson (Central Lancashire) | Spirals with Supercomputers: Have We Finally Got it Right? | (MP4, 233MB) | (MP4, 84MB) |
23 February 2012 | Jeanette Gladstone (Alberta) | The search for intermediate mass black holes | (MP4, 146MB) | (MP4, 46MB) |
21 February 2012 | Juri Toomre (Colorado) | Probing the inside of a convecting star and its magnetism | (MP4, 178MB) | (MP4, 67MB) |
16 February 2012 | Tim Schmidt (U. Sydney) | Unidentified molecules in space and in the laboratory | (MP4, 138MB) | (MP4, 43MB) |
9 February 2012 | Eriita Jones (RSAA, ANU) | Two approaches in refining the search for present-day liquid water and habitable environments on Mars |
(MP4, 164MB) | (MP4, 72MB) |
8 February 2012 | David Nataf (OSU) | Probing the Age and Helium Abundance of the Galactic Bulge Stellar Population | (MP4, 106MB) | (MP4, 30MB) |
2 February 2012 | Simon Murphy (RSAA, ANU) | Revealing the Chamaeleon: Young, low-mass stars surrounding Eta and Epsilon Chamaeleontis | (MP4, 203MB) | (MP4, 61MB) |
31 January 2012 | Takuma Suda (NAOJ) | Star formation history in the Galaxy explored with the SAGA database and AGB stellar models | (MP4, 114MB) | (MP4, 38MB) |
19 January 2012 | Frantz Martinache (NAOJ | Superlative High Angular Resolution Astronomy: Extreme-AO and Super-Resolution for extrasolar planet direct imaging | (MP4, 284MB) | (MP4, 156MB) |
Date | Speaker | Title | Large Format (MP4) | Small Format (MP4) |
24 November 2011 | Chris Lidman (AAO) | Obtaining larger, more precise and better calibrated Type Ia supernova samples for cosmology |
(MP4, 172MB) | (MP4, 66MB) |
21 November 2011 | Shri Kulkarni (Caltech) | The Restless Universe (Palomar Transient Factory) | (MP4, 175MB) | (MP4, 55MB) |
17 November 2011 | John Norris (RSAA) | The most metal-poor stars in the Milky Way and its dwarf galaxy satellites | (MP4, 141MB) | (MP4, 44MB) |
11 November 2011 | Angel R. Lopez-Sanchez (AAO/MQ) | The importance of Multi-Wavelength Astronomy and its application to star-forming galaxies in the Local Universe |
(MP4, 170MB) | (MP4, 71MB) |
10 November 2011 | James P. Lloyd (Cornell) | Retired'' Planet Hosts: Not So Massive, Maybe Just Portly After Lunch | (MP4, 101MB) | (MP4, 41MB) |
3 November 2011 | Felix J. Lockman (NRAO) | Making the Milky Way - The Continuing Story | (MP4, 197MB) | (MP4, 62MB) |
27 October 2011 | Peter Barnes (Florida) | Large-Scale Surveys of Star Formation in the Milky Way | (MP4, 207MB) | (MP4, 120MB) |
20 October 2011 | Julia Scharwaechter (RSAA) | Integral field spectroscopy of AGN host galaxies | (MP4, 177MB) | (MP4, 56MB) |
13 October 2011 | Charley Lineweaver (PSI/RSAA/RSES) | On the Existence and Habitability of Other Earths | (MP4, 159MB) | (MP4, 52MB) |
6 October 2011 | Sharon Rapoport (RSAA) | Gamma-ray bursts - Mid term review< | (MP4, 81MB) | (MP4, 32MB) |
28 September 2011 | Andrea Dupree (CfA) | Red Giants, Globular Clusters, and their Problems | (MP4, 176MB) | (MP4, 45MB) |
22 September 2011 | David Parkinson (Queensland) | Testing modified gravity with WiggleZ | (MP4, 194MB) | (MP4, 59MB) |
15 September 2011 | Hans Van Winckle (Leuven) | Post-AGB stars as tracers of (binary) stellar evolution | (MP4, 132MB) | (MP4, 36MB) |
9 September 2011 | Yuan Sen Ting (NUS) | A study of HerMES chemical abundances spaces | (MP4, 76MB) | (MP4, 28MB) |
8 September 2011 | Jayaram N Chengalur (NCRA-TIFR | The Faint Irregular Galaxy GMRT Survey | (MP4, 155MB) | (MP4, 45MB) |
1 September 2011 | Juan Madrid (Swinburne) | The Increasingly Diverse Family of Star Clusters | (MP4, 116MB) | (MP4, 37MB) |
30 August 2011 | Mario Mateo (Michigan) | Spectroscopic Support of Southern Photometric Surveys | (MP4, 208MB) | (MP4, 59MB) |
18 August 2011 | Amanda Bauer (AAO) | Linking Star Formation Histories with the Growth of Stellar Mass | (MP4, 157MB) | (MP4, 49MB) |
11 August 2011 | Christine Nicholls (RSAA) | Variability in Binary and Single Red Giants | (MP4, 107MB) | (MP4, 39MB) |
28 July 2011 | Tim Bedding (Sydney) | Probing the Cores of Stars Using Asteroseismology with NASA's Kepler Mission | (MP4, 170MB) | (MP4, 77MB) |
21 July 2011 | Mubdi Rahman (Toronto) | The Milky Way's Most Luminous Star Clusters: Engines of Galaxy Evolution | (MP4, 169MB) | (MP4, 46MB) |
14 July 2011 | Carl Melis (UCSD) | Formation and Occurrence of Terrestrial-like Planets from Catastrophic Collisions | (MP4, 139MB) | (MP4, 39MB) |
30 June 2011 | Dennis Crabtree (HIA) | ngCFHT | (MP4, 174MB) | (MP4, 44MB) |
16 June 2011 | Matthew Bate (Exeter) | Numerical Simulations of Star Formation | (MP4, 222MB) | (MP4, 70MB) |
9 June 2011 | Chris Blake (Swinburne) | Probing Dark Energy with Galaxy Surveys | (MP4, 183MB) | (MP4, 46MB) |
2 June 2011 | Yuri Levin (Monash) | Discs Around Supermassive Black Holes | (MP4, 213MB) | (MP4, 55MB) |
26 May 2011 | Marc White (RSAA) | Outflows from Young Stellar Objects | (MP4, 173MB) | (MP4, 55MB) |
19 May 2011 | Geoff Bicknell (RSAA) | Feedback from Supermassive Black Holes | (MP4, 78MB) | (MP4, 45MB) |
12 May 2011 | John Peacock (University of Edinburgh) | Probing Gravity with Galaxy Surveys | (MP4, 64MB) | (MP4, 37MB) |
28 April 2011 | Jens Zuther (Koeln | Type I AGN and their Host Galaxies | (MP4, 58MB) | (MP4, 33MB) |
10 March 2011 | Thanu Padmanabhan (IUCCA, Pune) | Gravity: An Emergent Phenomenon | (MP4, 216MB) | (MP4, 58MB) |
8 March 2011 | Tim Beers (MSU) | Formation and Evolution of the Disk System of the Milky Way | (MP4, 106MB) | (MP4, 30MB) |
3 March 2011 | Ross Parkin (RSAA) | 3D Models of Colliding-Winds Binary | (MP4, 357MB) | (MP4, 134MB) |
24 February 2011 | Martin Asplund (MPA) | The Peculiar Solar Chemical Composition | (MP4, 207MB) | (MP4, 57MB) |
17 February 2011 | Grant Kennedy (Cambridge) | Evolution of Irregular Satellite Swarms | (MP4, 161MB) | (MP4, 48MB) |
10 February 2011 | John Kormendy (Texas) | Secular Evolution in Disk Galaxies | (MP4, 251MB) | (MP4, 71MB) |
4 February 2011 | Wolfgang Kerzendorf (RSAA) | eScience Challenges in Astronomy | (MP4, 132MB) | (MP4, 43MB) |
3 February 2011 | Wako Aoki (NAOJ) | Extremely Metal-Poor stars and Galactic Archaeology | (MP4, 236MB) | (MP4, 64MB) |
27 January 2011 | Clare Worley (Nice) | The AMBRE Project | (MP4, 203MB) | (MP4, 56MB) |
20 January 2011 | Ross Church (Lund) | Short Gamma Ray BurstsL Evidence for an Origin in Globular Clusters | (MP4, 176MB) | (MP4, 46MB) |
10 January 2011 | Andrew Bunker (University of Oxford) | Star Formation at the Highest Redshifts and Reionization | (MP4, 238MB) | (MP4, 62MB) |
Date | Speaker | Title | Large Format (MP4) | Small Format (MP4) |
10 December 2010 | Gaspar Bakos (Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) | Searching for planets with HATNet and HATSouth | (MP4, 167MB) | (MP4, 56MB) |
3 December 2010 | Pavel Kroupa (Bonn) | Evidence for a Top-Heavy IMF in Extreme Starbursts | (MP4, 197MB) | (MP4, 62MB) |
2 December 2010 | Bill Harris (McMaster) | Dynamics of the M87 Halo: Beyond the Velocity Barrier | (MP4, 200MB) | (MP4, 101MB) |
25 November 2010 | Warren Brown (CfA) | Black Holes and Hypervelocity Stars | (MP4, 248MB) | (MP4, 70MB) |