GMT 2015

Colloquia recordings


Date Speaker Title Large Format (MP4) Small Format (MP4)
21 September 2012 Shaila Akhter (RSAA) RR Lyrae Stars in the Halo of the Milky Way (MP4, 103MB) (MP4, 37MB)
16 August 2012 Raphael Hirschi (Keele) Evolution of massive stars and their various fates (MP4, 196MB) (MP4, 62MB)
9 August 2012 Phil Hopkins (Berkeley) Star Formation, Black Holes, and Feedback in Galaxy Formation (MP4, 163MB) (MP4, 67MB)
7 August 2012 Jessie Christiansen (NASA Ames Research Center/SETI Institute) Towards Determining eta_Earth: Characterising the Kepler Survey Completeness (MP4, 143MB) (MP4, 44MB)
2 August 2012 Inma Martinez Valpuesta (MPE Evolution of barred galaxies. A model for the Milky Way bar and
bulge in this context
(MP4, 158MB) (MP4, 47MB)
26 July 2012 Robert Izzard (Bonn) How binary stars shape the stellar initial mass function and make the
most massive stars
(MP4, 35MB) (MP4, 33MB)
19 July 2012 Ekaterina Filippova (Space Research Institute, Moscow/RSAA) Variability of X-ray binaries with low-mass stars at large (comparable
to orbital period) times scales
(MP4, 76MB) (MP4, 25MB)
12 July 2012 Christine Nicholls (UCSD) Medium resolution spectra of T dwarfs with FIRE: radial velocities, kinematics, and atmospheric parameters (MP4, 123MB) (MP4, 43MB)
5 July 2012 Nicolas Regnault (LPNHE Paris) Photometric Calibration of Wide Field Imagers - the DICE system (MP4, 152MB) (MP4, 45MB)
28 June 2012 Scott Croom (Sydney) Massively Multiplexed IFU surveys: dissecting galaxy evolution (MP4, 171MB) (MP4, 46MB)
21 June 2012 Sarah Brough (AAO) GAMA: From little blue fuzzies to big red monsters and beyond (MP4, 106MB) (MP4, 30MB)
19 June 2012 Ray Norris (CSIRO) ATLAS to EMU: The era of large deep radio continuum surveys (MP4, 192MB) (MP4, 76MB)
17 May 2012 Sarah Martell (AAO) Multiple stellar populations in LMC star clusters (MP4, 77MB) (MP4, 31MB)
10 May 2012 Richard Stancliffe (RSAA, ANU) Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars and stellar nucleosynthesis (MP4, 186MB) (MP4, 59MB)
12 April 2012 Jade Carter-Bond (UNSW) Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets: How common is Earth? (MP4, 185MB) (MP4, 50MB)
3 April 2012 Brad Gibson (Central Lancashire) Spirals with Supercomputers: Have We Finally Got it Right? (MP4, 233MB) (MP4, 84MB)
23 February 2012 Jeanette Gladstone (Alberta) The search for intermediate mass black holes (MP4, 146MB) (MP4, 46MB)
21 February 2012 Juri Toomre (Colorado) Probing the inside of a convecting star and its magnetism (MP4, 178MB) (MP4, 67MB)
16 February 2012 Tim Schmidt (U. Sydney) Unidentified molecules in space and in the laboratory (MP4, 138MB) (MP4, 43MB)
9 February 2012  Eriita Jones (RSAA, ANU) Two approaches in refining the search for
present-day liquid water and habitable environments on Mars
(MP4, 164MB) (MP4, 72MB)
8 February 2012 David Nataf (OSU) Probing the Age and Helium Abundance of the Galactic Bulge Stellar Population (MP4, 106MB) (MP4, 30MB)
2 February 2012 Simon Murphy (RSAA, ANU) Revealing the Chamaeleon: Young, low-mass stars surrounding Eta and Epsilon Chamaeleontis (MP4, 203MB) (MP4, 61MB)
31 January 2012 Takuma Suda (NAOJ) Star formation history in the Galaxy explored with the SAGA database and AGB stellar models (MP4, 114MB) (MP4, 38MB)
19 January 2012 Frantz Martinache (NAOJ Superlative High Angular Resolution Astronomy: Extreme-AO and Super-Resolution for extrasolar planet direct imaging (MP4, 284MB) (MP4, 156MB)


Date Speaker Title Large Format (MP4) Small Format (MP4)
24 November 2011 Chris Lidman (AAO) Obtaining larger, more precise and better calibrated
Type Ia supernova samples for cosmology
(MP4, 172MB) (MP4, 66MB)
21 November 2011 Shri Kulkarni (Caltech) The Restless Universe (Palomar Transient Factory) (MP4, 175MB) (MP4, 55MB)
17 November 2011 John Norris (RSAA) The most metal-poor stars in the Milky Way and its dwarf galaxy satellites (MP4, 141MB) (MP4, 44MB)
11 November 2011 Angel R. Lopez-Sanchez (AAO/MQ) The importance of Multi-Wavelength Astronomy and its application to
star-forming galaxies in the Local Universe
(MP4, 170MB) (MP4, 71MB)
10 November 2011 James P. Lloyd (Cornell) Retired'' Planet Hosts: Not So Massive, Maybe Just Portly After Lunch (MP4, 101MB) (MP4, 41MB)
3 November 2011 Felix J. Lockman (NRAO) Making the Milky Way - The Continuing Story (MP4, 197MB) (MP4, 62MB)
27 October 2011 Peter Barnes (Florida) Large-Scale Surveys of Star Formation in the Milky Way (MP4, 207MB) (MP4, 120MB)
20 October 2011 Julia Scharwaechter (RSAA) Integral field spectroscopy of AGN host galaxies (MP4, 177MB) (MP4, 56MB)
13 October 2011 Charley Lineweaver (PSI/RSAA/RSES) On the Existence and Habitability of Other Earths (MP4, 159MB) (MP4, 52MB)
6 October 2011 Sharon Rapoport (RSAA) Gamma-ray bursts - Mid term review< (MP4, 81MB) (MP4, 32MB)
28 September 2011 Andrea Dupree (CfA) Red Giants, Globular Clusters, and their Problems (MP4, 176MB) (MP4, 45MB)
22 September 2011 David Parkinson (Queensland) Testing modified gravity with WiggleZ (MP4, 194MB) (MP4, 59MB)
15 September 2011 Hans Van Winckle (Leuven) Post-AGB stars as tracers of (binary) stellar evolution (MP4, 132MB) (MP4, 36MB)
9 September 2011 Yuan Sen Ting (NUS) A study of HerMES chemical abundances spaces (MP4, 76MB) (MP4, 28MB)
8 September 2011 Jayaram N Chengalur (NCRA-TIFR The Faint Irregular Galaxy GMRT Survey (MP4, 155MB) (MP4, 45MB)
1 September 2011 Juan Madrid (Swinburne) The Increasingly Diverse Family of Star Clusters (MP4, 116MB) (MP4, 37MB)
30 August 2011 Mario Mateo (Michigan) Spectroscopic Support of Southern Photometric Surveys (MP4, 208MB) (MP4, 59MB)
18 August 2011 Amanda Bauer (AAO) Linking Star Formation Histories with the Growth of Stellar Mass (MP4, 157MB) (MP4, 49MB)
11 August 2011 Christine Nicholls (RSAA) Variability in Binary and Single Red Giants (MP4, 107MB) (MP4, 39MB)
28 July 2011 Tim Bedding (Sydney) Probing the Cores of Stars Using Asteroseismology with NASA's Kepler Mission (MP4, 170MB) (MP4, 77MB)
21 July 2011 Mubdi Rahman (Toronto) The Milky Way's Most Luminous Star Clusters: Engines of Galaxy Evolution (MP4, 169MB) (MP4, 46MB)
14 July 2011 Carl Melis (UCSD) Formation and Occurrence of Terrestrial-like Planets from Catastrophic Collisions (MP4, 139MB) (MP4, 39MB)
30 June 2011 Dennis Crabtree (HIA) ngCFHT (MP4, 174MB) (MP4, 44MB)
16 June 2011 Matthew Bate (Exeter) Numerical Simulations of Star Formation (MP4, 222MB) (MP4, 70MB)
9 June 2011 Chris Blake (Swinburne) Probing Dark Energy with Galaxy Surveys (MP4, 183MB) (MP4, 46MB)
2 June 2011 Yuri Levin (Monash) Discs Around Supermassive Black Holes (MP4, 213MB) (MP4, 55MB)
26 May 2011 Marc White (RSAA) Outflows from Young Stellar Objects (MP4, 173MB) (MP4, 55MB)
19 May 2011 Geoff Bicknell (RSAA) Feedback from Supermassive Black Holes (MP4, 78MB) (MP4, 45MB)
12 May 2011 John Peacock (University of Edinburgh) Probing Gravity with Galaxy Surveys (MP4, 64MB) (MP4, 37MB)
28 April 2011 Jens Zuther (Koeln Type I AGN and their Host Galaxies (MP4, 58MB) (MP4, 33MB)
10 March 2011 Thanu Padmanabhan (IUCCA, Pune) Gravity: An Emergent Phenomenon (MP4, 216MB) (MP4, 58MB)
8 March 2011 Tim Beers (MSU) Formation and Evolution of the Disk System of the Milky Way (MP4, 106MB) (MP4, 30MB)
3 March 2011 Ross Parkin (RSAA) 3D Models of Colliding-Winds Binary (MP4, 357MB) (MP4, 134MB)
24 February 2011 Martin Asplund (MPA) The Peculiar Solar Chemical Composition (MP4, 207MB) (MP4, 57MB)
17 February 2011 Grant Kennedy (Cambridge) Evolution of Irregular Satellite Swarms (MP4, 161MB) (MP4, 48MB)
10 February 2011 John Kormendy (Texas) Secular Evolution in Disk Galaxies (MP4, 251MB) (MP4, 71MB)
4 February 2011 Wolfgang Kerzendorf (RSAA) eScience Challenges in Astronomy (MP4, 132MB) (MP4, 43MB)
3 February 2011 Wako Aoki (NAOJ) Extremely Metal-Poor stars and Galactic Archaeology (MP4, 236MB) (MP4, 64MB)
27 January 2011 Clare Worley (Nice) The AMBRE Project (MP4, 203MB) (MP4, 56MB)
20 January 2011 Ross Church (Lund) Short Gamma Ray BurstsL Evidence for an Origin in Globular Clusters (MP4, 176MB) (MP4, 46MB)
10 January 2011 Andrew Bunker (University of Oxford) Star Formation at the Highest Redshifts and Reionization (MP4, 238MB) (MP4, 62MB)


Date Speaker Title Large Format (MP4) Small Format (MP4)
10 December 2010 Gaspar Bakos (Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) Searching for planets with HATNet and HATSouth (MP4, 167MB) (MP4, 56MB)
3 December 2010 Pavel Kroupa (Bonn) Evidence for a Top-Heavy IMF in Extreme Starbursts (MP4, 197MB) (MP4, 62MB)
2 December 2010 Bill Harris (McMaster) Dynamics of the M87 Halo: Beyond the Velocity Barrier (MP4, 200MB) (MP4, 101MB)
25 November 2010 Warren Brown (CfA) Black Holes and Hypervelocity Stars (MP4, 248MB) (MP4, 70MB)