The AITC News & Events page highlights significant moments and updates related to the Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre at ANU.


Subaru Telescope in Hawaii
Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024

The ULTIMATE-Subaru project has been selected by the Group of 8 Australia to feature as the first example of successful Australia-Japan research collaborations.

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Wednesday, 06 Mar 2024

Congratulations to Space Machines Company, with the launch of their Optimus satellite!

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Friday, 03 Nov 2023

The MAVIS team had its first busy week with members of the MAVIS consortium from Australian and European teams since the start of COVID.

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Friday, 22 Sep 2023

What does a job in the space industry look like? The Space Careers Wayfinder program is a collaboration between the CSIRO and the Australian National University (ANU) that aims to inspire and ignite a passion in the next generation to foster the growth of the future space industry workforce.

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Tuesday, 19 Sep 2023

Astrophysical flows, which encompasses a wide range of dynamic phenomena like supernovae, accretion discs, and galactic outflows, are driven by complex interactions of various physical processes.

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Friday, 11 Aug 2023

SpIRIT, the first satellite funded by the Australian Space Agency and developed in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency arrives for environmental testing at Mt Stromlo ANU Campus today.

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18 Sep 2024 | 9am

The Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA) will be hosting a 1-day symposium on 18 September highlighting the contributions of scientists at Mount Stromlo since the establishment of the Commonwealth Solar Observatory 100 years ago.

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