
Galactic archaeology


Like traditional archaeologists, who study human history by investigating the remnants that can be excavated and observed today, galactic archaeologists trace the history and formation of the Milky Way galaxy from detailed observations of the stars, gas and other structures that can be observed from Earth.  

Researchers at RSAA work on a wide range of areas and problems within this theme, including:

  • understanding the chemical and dynamical properties of different stellar populations in the Galaxy
  • searching for extremely metal-poor stars, which include the oldest stars that formed early in the history of the Galaxy
  • investigating the nature and origins of globular clusters
  • searching for satellite galaxies of the Milky Way 
  • mapping the structure of the galaxy, including stellar streams and substructure formed during the accretion of neighbouring galaxies
  • studying the properties of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, dwarf galaxies that are relatively nearby neighbours to our Galaxy.

The Southern Sky Survey that is being carried out by the SkyMapper telescope will be instrumental to scientists studying the properties of the Milky Way, since it will provide a census of over 5 billion stars in the Galaxy. The instrument and survey design will allow astronomers to derive measurements of metallicity, gravity, temperature, and variability for many of these stars, and to continue to map the structure of the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds in increasing detail.


Ambitious students will investigate optimal ways to measure the stellar properties (eg Teff, age, mass) and chemical composition of this immense amount of data.

In this project you will use existing and new data to understand the nature of filamentary structure in galaxies and how they relate to magnetic fields.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, PhD students


In the spectra of distant stars, we can often find a series of absorption features, such as Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs) or those of neutral atomic potassium, K I. Although the exact carriers of DIBs are still a matter of debate, various candidates have been proposed over the years.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor students


Dust in the Milky Way affects astronomical observations. Here we try too improve our knowledge of its distribution.

Magnetic fields are present throughout the universe on all scales: from planets and stars, star-forming clusters and spiral arms, entire galaxies, to galaxy clusters and cosmic filaments.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours students



A team of international astrophysicists led by ANU has shown how most of the antimatter in the Milky Way forms.

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Astronomers have solved a mystery over small, unusually hot blue stars, 10 times hotter than our Sun, that are found in the middle of dense star clusters.

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The Australian Research Council has announced that the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics has won funding for two prestigious Future Fellowships.

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