Closing the gap: Tracers of the interstellar medium in GALAH spectra
In the spectra of distant stars, we can often find a series of absorption features, such as Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs) or those of neutral atomic potassium, K I. Although the exact carriers of DIBs are still a matter of debate, various candidates have been proposed over the years.
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In the spectra of distant stars, we can often find a series of absorption features, such as Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs) or those of neutral atomic potassium, K I. The exact carriers of DIBs are still a matter of debate. Various candidates have been proposed over the years, including complex organic molecules, fullerenes, and even simple molecules, but none have been definitively identified as the cause. The absorption lines in optical GALAH spectra can therefore offer a potential probe of the physical and chemical conditions in the interstellar medium.
- Literature Dive: Understand the history and significance of absorption line measurements of the interstellar medium.
- Data Exploration: Familiarise yourself with the pre-existing measurements from the GALAH Survey. While the data collection has been done, it's now your playground to explore and question.
- Correlation Analysis: Drawing inspiration from the likes of Kos et al. 2013, carry out a comprehensive correlation study. Does the absorption strength of DIBs correlate with the potassium line? How does this interplay with existing extinction maps?
- With your newfound understanding from the literature and your analytical insights, piece together a story. How do your findings correlate, contrast, or add to what is already known?
The project is aimed at passionate and curious undergraduate students with a background in Astronomy, Astrophysics, or related fields. Previous experience with python is beneficial but not mandatory. There will also be the opportunity join remote observing runs with Australia's largest optical telescope to learn how stellar spectra are obtained.