Mid-Infrared Nulling Interferometry for Exoplanet Detection

RSAA and RSPE are developing photonic chips to search for extrasolar planets using ground based and future space based telescopes and interferometers. Work on one of a variety of aspects of this important project.

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Mid-infrared nulling interferometry one of only two potential methods to search for signs of life on terrestrial planets. A major technological limitation is the nuller itself, which eliminates starlight, leaving only the planet light behind. A nuller can be created with complex bulk optics, or potentially using a chip. There are a variety of student instrumental projects on this topic - mostly primarily based at RSPE (main campus), but also some simulation and desig projects primarily based at RSAA (Mt Stromlo).

Students pursuing any of these projects would be expected to engage in the exoplanet lunches and Fortnightly Earth-science Astronomy Research Series (FEARS) meeting.



Associate Director Science Education