Public Online resourses Useful links to astronomy info, kids astronomy, Indigenous astronomy, sky charts, data archives, bibliography, organisations, and others. Astronomy for kids and families NASA JPL: Learning Space (try clicking on the 'Learn' and 'Teach' links at the top of the page as well) NASA Space Place Science Kids: astronomy for kids BBC Bitesize Kids Astronomy NASA Kids' Club Astronomy for Kids Starchild: A learning centre for young astronomers (for young astronomers age 5-13) Imagine the Universe! (for students age 14+) Exploring Planets in the Classroom: hands-on activities Questacon's Teacher Resource: hands-on STEM activities (Aus) Astrophysics for senior students (Aus) Tips for holding a star viewing night (Aus) AstroEdu - peer reviewed activities CAASTRO in the Classroom (Aus) Stellarium - a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope Scale of the Universe interactive tool The Nine Planets - multimedia tour of the Solar System ESA Kids ABC Education (Aus) Khan Academy Indigenous astronomy Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Astronomy (Aus) Australian Indigenous Astronomy: exploring the astronomical knowledge and traditions of Indigenous Australians (Aus) Star Stories of the Dreaming documentary (Aus) Australian Aboriginal Astronomy (Aus) Stories in the Sky: Indigenous astronomy (Aus) Australia's First Astronomers (Aus) Mt Stromlo/ANU resources Astronomy and Astrophysics youtube playlist - short educational videos about astronomy (Aus) RSAA movies and public lectures - includes educational public talks given on Facebook Live (Aus) RSAA virtual tours - go inside the Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre and 74 inch Telescope, and view Siding Spring Observatory from the sky (Aus) ScienceWise Magazine (Aus) Scorpius constellation viewer - make your own Scorpius constellation viewer and use it to help recognise the real constellation in the night sky (Aus) Four-pointed star origami - make your own origami star (Aus) Programs for observing on large telescopes SPIRIT remote internet telescope (Aus) PULSE@Parkes (Aus) iTelescope (Aus/worldwide) Australian Curriculum-linked resources ASTRO3D STARS program Big kids/adults ASTRO 3D Education and Outreach (Aus) ASTRO 3D educational videos (Aus) An Atlas of the Universe Australian backyard astronomy page at the National Library of Australia (Aus) Hubble Heritage project Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) Stellarium - a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope COSMOS - encyclopaedia of astronomy (Aus) The Astronomical Tourist (Aus) American Association of Variable Star Observers - great resource for learning how to observe variable stars (citizen science) Heavens-Above - Enter your location in the 'Configuration' section. An easy way to see when the ISS and other satellites will be visible from your location Sky charts Sky View (NASA) - a 'virtual observatory on the net' Google Sky - Google Maps for the sky SKY-MAP.ORG - interactive, searchable map of the sky Heavens-Above - Enter your location in the 'Configuration' section. An easy way to see when the ISS and other satellites will be visible from your location - high quality, printable maps of the night sky Data archives 2MASS at IPAC - Access to the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) database Sloan Digital Sky Survey Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) SIMBAD - Set of Identifications, Measurements, and Bibliography for Astronomical Data Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center (CDS) - a data centre dedicated to the collection and worldwide distribution of astronomical data and related information National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) physical reference data Hubble Legacy Archive VizierR Catalogue Service Virtual Astronomical Observatory - home page of the international Virtual Observatory project SkyMapper Southern Sky Survey Australian Virtual Observatory (AUS-VO) Bibliographic resources ANU library SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) astrophysics e-print service (astro-ph) - preprints of astrophysics research papers Astronomy Thesaurus Organisations Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA) Astronomy Australia International Astronomical Union (IAU) NASA International society for optics and photonics - SPIE International Virtual Observatory Alliance Other online lists of links Astronomical Society of Australia resources pages Astronomy websites at Starship Asterisk forum