
Stellar and planetary astronomy

An in-depth exploration of stellar and planetary astronomy, focusing on the formation, evolution, and chemical diversity of stars and their systems, as well as the study of planets within and beyond our solar system, including the search for extrasolar planets and conditions for life.


Stellar astronomy

Stars and stellar systems may contain only a tiny fraction of the mass in the universe, but they are responsible for the chemical diversity of matter that allows life to exist. Observational and theoretical astronomers at RSAA study how stars form and evolve, and the processes that occur within them at the various stages of their lives, through work that includes:

  • forming comprehensive models of the physical processes that occur in stellar atmospheres, and comparing these to detailed observations of stellar spectra
  • modelling the processes of nucleosynthesis that occur in stars to understand how the elements are formed in their interiors
  • discovering and investigating the nature of the oldest stars to trace the origins of the elements and chemical evolution of the galaxy 
  • studying the different evolutionary phases of stars and investigating stellar pulsation and variability.

Planetary science

RSAA partners with the Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES) at ANU to form the the ANU Planetary Science Institute. This collaboration aims to capitalise on the strengths of the two schools to increase our cross-disciplinary understanding of the life cycle and diversity of planets, through discovery and the critical study of the formation, evolution, and fate of planetary systems throughout the Milky Way, including our own Solar System.

Planetary scientists at RSAA study:

  • the conditions required for life to form, and where these might occur in our solar system
  • the cosmological prerequisites for the formation of terrestrial planets and life
  • how to predict and understand the distribution of planets around other stars
  • the construction of theoretical models of how planets form from the dusty debris around young stars.

Searching for extrasolar planets

Astronomers at RSAA are involved in a number of projects that aim to find and study planets outside our own Solar System, and to help answer the universal question of whether life exists elsewhere in the universe.  

RSAA is a member of the HAT-South project (Hungarian-made Automated Telescopes), operating two HAT-South telescopes at Siding Spring Observatory. This project is using fully automated arrays of small telescopes at three different locations around the southern hemisphere to monitor hundred of thousands of stars in the galaxy, looking for the characteristic dip in brightness that might signal that an orbiting planet is passing in front of the host star.

Researchers at RSAA, and their colleagues in the project from Princeton University and the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, analyse the data that is collected for candidate planetary systems, and then perform detailed follow-up observations with larger telescopes to confirm discoveries and measure the density, temperature, and even atmospheric composition of the planets that are found.


This project will use observations of star clusters with the Hubble Space Telescope to disentangle the multi scale nature of star formation in local spiral galaxies.

Student intake

Open for Honours students


This project has two components: developing the science case for the instrument, defining the mission parameters that are necessary to ensure the science goals are achieved; and, for a student so inclined, physically building the telescope and camera system.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, PhD students


Obtaining a good understanding of the physics of star formation remains one of the main problems in astrophysics today. The formation of stars determines the structure, evolution and luminosity of galaxies, and quite possibly contributed to the reionisation of the early Universe.

Student intake

Open for PhD students


Ambitious students will investigate optimal ways to measure the stellar properties (eg Teff, age, mass) and chemical composition of this immense amount of data.

Measuring asteroid properties with the Kepler Space Telescope to find Future Asteroid Mining Targets

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, PhD students


Study of the statistics of turbulent, magnetised gases, relevant for the structure and evolution of the interstellar medium, the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies, using a combination of supercomputer simulations, theory, analytical calculations, and comparison to observations.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, PhD students




Christoph Federrath

Associate Director HDR
Former ARC Future and Stromlo Fellow


Christoph Federrath

Associate Director HDR
Former ARC Future and Stromlo Fellow


Academy announces 2024 Fellows for outstanding contributions to science

The Australian Academy of Science announces 2024 Fellows for outstanding contributions to science.

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Astronomers witness death throes of a cocooned star

Dr Brad Tucker from ANU has seen the death throes of a star cocooned inside a dense shell of gas and dust, which ended in a violent explosion.

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Stars around our galaxy previously thought to be from merged dwarf galaxies are likely to have once been part of the Milky Way before being pulled away by an invading satellite galaxy

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ANU will play a major role in the Taipan galaxy survey, which will for the first time measure the current expansion rate of the Universe with one per cent precision.

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Astronomers at The Australian National University (ANU) have created the most detailed radio image of nearby dwarf galaxy, the Small Magellanic Cloud, revealing secrets of how it formed and how it is likely to evolve.

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Indigenous astronomy workshop

Indigenous- focused daylong Astronomy for regional school students in years 7 to 12.

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