Photo by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre.
Thursday, 03 May 2018
  • News

The Australian National University (ANU) is poised to play a key role to support a new national space agency and to help drive education, research and industry

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Astronomers witness death throes of a cocooned star
Tuesday, 27 Mar 2018
  • Research story

Dr Brad Tucker from ANU has seen the death throes of a star cocooned inside a dense shell of gas and dust, which ended in a violent explosion.

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Tuesday, 27 Feb 2018
  • News

Stars around our galaxy previously thought to be from merged dwarf galaxies are likely to have once been part of the Milky Way before being pulled away by an invading satellite galaxy

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Karlie Noon
Monday, 12 Feb 2018
  • Student profile

Meet Karlie Noon, who is studying her Masters of Astronomy and Astrophysics at ANU.

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Monday, 12 Feb 2018
  • News

The Australian National University (ANU) has appointed astronomer Dr Chris Lidman as the first Director of the ANU Siding Spring Observatory.

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Friday, 02 Feb 2018
  • News

A new international study involving ANU has found a plane of dwarf galaxies orbiting around Centaurus A in a discovery that challenges a popular theory about how dwarf galaxies are spread around the Universe.

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Thursday, 01 Feb 2018
  • News

ANU will play a major role in the Taipan galaxy survey, which will for the first time measure the current expansion rate of the Universe with one per cent precision.

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Tuesday, 28 Nov 2017
  • Research story

Astronomers at The Australian National University (ANU) have created the most detailed radio image of nearby dwarf galaxy, the Small Magellanic Cloud, revealing secrets of how it formed and how it is likely to evolve.

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Tuesday, 21 Nov 2017
  • News

The Summer scholars will spend the next 8 weeks researching Astronomy and Instrumentation here.

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