Siding Spring Observatory observing support & reports

After hours support - Siding Spring Observatory

The telescopes operated by the ANU (RSAA) at Siding Spring are covered after hours by the following arrangements:

  • A member of ANU SSO Technical Staff is present at the Observatory until 8:00pm (9:00 pm during daylight saving).  This person can be contacted, by phone on extension 6842 6279 (AAT console) or 0427 685 288.
  • EMERGENCY after-hours support is available by telephoning 0427 685 288. Emergencies in this context include life-threatening situations at the telescope and situations that might result in damage to the telescope or instruments (e.g. dome shutter won't close).
  • Should either of the phone numbers not answer or be out of service range, please hold and leave a message including your contact phone number when instructed to do so. An SMS will be automatically sent to the emergency mobile phone.

Computer problems at the SSO telescopes are covered by an informal arrangement as follows:

  • If possible, first consult with the on-site SSO Technical Staff member
  • The following staff have agreed to offer advice by phone, but no later than 10:30pm. On occasions and at their discretion, they may offer further assistance. If problems arise before 10:30pm, call the staff listed in the order on the following list.

Reporting faults and problems

If you want to report a hardware problem with the telescope or instrument, or to contact the on-site SSO Technical Staff, send an email using this link: 

If you want to report a problem or bug in any of the software systems that control the telescope and instrument, use this link:

Observing reports
