Observers Computer accounts, data & network If you are observing remotely, you do not need an RSAA computer account. All you need is your TAROS account as detailed in the letter from the TAC advising of your successful application for time. If you are observing at the 2.3m, it's a good idea to request a computer account. This account will allow you to log on to the computers at the telescope in case anything should go wrong with your own computer. If you do not currently have an RSAA account, download the application form, complete, sign it and fax (or scan/email) it back to RSAA at least one week before your observing run. Your observing data Apart from the WiFeS instrument on the 2.3m telescope, RSAA does not automatically archive any observing data. You must ensure that when your run ends, you take away a copy of your data. Your data will be removed from the system by the next observer, so don’t leave the mountain without your data. SSO internet link SSO connects to the Internet via a 1Gbps link. It is OK to transfer your data to your home institution via ftp or scp if desired. Please don't use any peer-to-peer file downloading software such as Limewire or Gnutella. Also please ensure that Skype is not left running in the background on your personal laptop. Laptop connections at SSO There is a DHCP server on the SSO network and cables in the telescope control rooms for plugging into laptop computers. You can also connect your laptop in your room at the Lodge. There is no wireless network. More information/questions If you have questions regarding your RSAA computer account or about anything to do with RSAA computer facilities, take a look at the RSAA Computer Section web pages (Intranet access only) or email the RSAA service desk. Contacts RSAA service desk Application form Document User form (PDF, 363.25 KB)