Star Clusters as Engines of Ionisation and their HII Regions in NGC 7793
Star Clusters as Engines of Ionisation and their HII Regions in NGC 7793
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NGC 7793 is a face-on flocculent disk galaxy observed by the Legacy Extragalactic UV Survey (LEGUS) project with the Hubble Space Telescope. LEGUS provides star cluster catalogs in local galaxies with precise ages and masses with exquisitely detailed and unparalleled resolution. The integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data from the TYPHOON survey constrains the regions of ionised gas within the same galaxies and allows for a 3D study of the ionised HII regions. Combing these data sets allow us to study, spatially and spectrally, star clusters embedded in their ionised gas in attempt to build a more comprehensive picture of the star formation cycle. This project allows us to explore the correlation between the physical parameters of the young clusters as the engines of ionisation and their ionised HII regions.
You will (1) Identify and characterise the properties of HII regions, (2) Cross-correlate with the star clusters from the LEGUS catalog (3) Analyse for any correlations between the HII region properties and star cluster properties.
This project will allow you to gain invaluable experience learning new computer software, teach you to write your own code in Python, and develop your critical thinking skills while we advance our understanding of star formation and galaxy evolution. For more information about this potential research topic or activity, or to discuss any related research area, please contact the supervisor.