Simulating integral field spectrograph images for MAVIS
In order to further the MAVIS design, an image simulator was built in Python, allowing star catalogs to be fed in, which are used to generate realistic MAVIS images. MAVIS now requires an IFU simulator to be developed, providing realistic IFU images from star catalogs.
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MAVIS is a next generation multi-conjugate adaptive optics system going on the ESO Very Large Telescope in Chile. MAVIS will be equipped with a scientific imager and an Integral Field Spectrograph (IFS). In order to further the MAVIS design, an image simulator was built in Python, allowing star catalogs to be fed in, which are used to generate realistic MAVIS images. Similarly, MAVIS now requires an IFU simulator to be developed, providing realistic IFU images from star catalogs. This project aims to develop such a simulator.
Student learning outcomes for this project include:
Proficiency in developing simulators for complex optical systems.
Understanding of the requirements and functionality of multi-conjugate adaptive optics systems.
Skill development in utilizing programming languages for generating realistic images from star catalogs.
Application of simulator development techniques to enhance the design and capabilities of advanced imaging and spectroscopic instruments.
Student experience in Python is highly valued.