Radio galaxy environments

In this project we will be able to investigate the environmental effect on star formation and galaxy evolution in individual galaxies falling into the cluster through radio observations of active galactic nuclei (AGN).

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Galaxy clusters are among the largest structures in the Universe. They provide a high-density environment where galaxies undergo high-speed collisions, ram pressure stripping and tidal interactions. The resulting debris can sometimes be detected in the form of neutral or ionised intergalactic filaments.  

In this project we will be able to investigate the environmental effect on star formation and galaxy evolution in individual galaxies falling into the cluster through radio observations of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Current models of galaxy evolution regulate the star formation rates within the simulated galaxies by invoking radio-mode feedback from AGN. As the kinetic energy in a radio jet is understood to be 2-3 orders higher in magnitude than the observed radio luminosity, we can expect that such radio outflows to affect the star formation history of neighbouring galaxies of the AGN host galaxy. The data for this project comes from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and our collaboration is international providing the student with the opportunity to learn from radio galaxy experts.