Meta-surface lenslet arrays for adaptive optics

A student undertaking this project will investigate the potential customisations of lenslet arrays afforded by optical meta-surfaces, and propose designs to be fabricated in the Research School of Physics at ANU.

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This project is open for Bachelor, Honours and PhD students.
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Optical meta-surfaces allow for compact and highly customisable optical components to be manufactured. Traditional lenslet arrays have limitations based on manufacturing constraints which do not apply in the discipline of meta-surfaces. A student undertaking this project will investigate the potential customisations of lenslet arrays afforded by this technology, and propose designs to be fabricated in the Research School of Physics at ANU.

Research outcomes include:

  1. Proficiency in exploring optical meta-surfaces for component customization.

  2. Understanding the advantages of meta-surfaces over traditional manufacturing methods.

  3. Skill development in designing customized optical components using meta-surface technology.

  4. Practical experience in fabricating and testing meta-surface-based designs.

  5. Insight into the potential applications and advancements in optical systems with meta-surfaces.

Experience in optical instrumentation is highly valued.




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Instrumentation Scientist

Instrument Scientist