People Mr Benjamin Lowe PhD Student BSc (University of Canterbury, New Zealand), BSc with 1st Class Hons (University of Canterbury, New Zealand), MSc with Distinction (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) email call 59645 Content navigation toc About I was born and raised in Christchurch, New Zealand, where I attended the University of Canterbury to get my BSc, BSc Hons and MSc degrees (all majoring with astronomy). My previous research project was observing and spectroscopically analysing 5 highly magnetic peculiar A/B-type stars (Ap/Bp stars) to map out their chemical spots due to magnetic levitation of heavy elements on their surfaces. Affiliations Research interests I'm a research PhD student focusing on understanding the first stars of the Universe (Population III) by finding their progenitor supernovae synthetic yields in metal-poor stars that roam our Galaxy today. I will utilise spectroscopic analysis techniques such as chemical abundance analysis on these metal-poor stars to find the unique signature that connects them with the very first stars. Location Duffield - Lower - D10 Publications