Associate Professor Tony Travouillon

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Research interests
My main area of research is in instrumentation for astronomy and space research.
One of my areas of focus is instrumentation for transient astronomy. I have worked on telescopes like Gattini and DREAMS and focusing on the next generation of wide-field infrared telescopes such as Cryoscope, WST. I am also contributing to the automation of the Siding Spring transient factory and the design of the Keck Wide Field Imager.
I am highly invested on the study of the atmosphere and its impact on astronomical observations and space communication. I have developed instruments to measure the atmosphere turbulence and carried out site testing for some of the largest telescopes in the world. I am currently interested in using these technologies to search for great locations in Australia and the South pacific to install new laser-communication ground stations.
My interest in adaptive optics and wavefront sensing has led me work on the TMT, GMT and Subaru adaptive optics systems, notably on the development of deformable mirror and Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors.
- A Deep-Space and Lunar Optical Communication System: Optical ground station to support Artemis II, Supervisor
- Adaptive Optics for Laser Communication: iLaunch Trailblazer, Supervisor
- Laser Communications Site Testing and Analysis, Supervisor
- Opening the dynamic infrared sky with DREAMS, Supervisor
- The Pyxis Space Interferometer Prototype, Supervisor
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