Future Forum tracks the global green economy

Publication date
Thursday, 17 Nov 2011

The second program in the ABC/ANU co-production Future Forum, focusing on the big issues ahead for the world and the nation, will screen this Wednesday at 8pm (AEDT) on ABC News 24.

Future Forum - Who wins and who loses in a global green economy? draws together a high-level panel from academia and business, and charts the seismic social and economic shifts that are already taking place as we move towards a greener economy. Panellists will debate what a green economy is, whether we need one, and who will be the winners and losers in the wake of the inevitable social and economic changes ahead.

The program was filmed in Sydney, with a six-strong expert panel moderated by ABC 7.30 presenter Chris Uhlmann. ANU panellists Jeff Bennett and Frank Jotzo are joined by the Managing Director of TRUenergy, Richard McIndoe, Amanda McCluskey from Colonial First State, Sucrogen CEO Ian Glasson and economist and company director Judith Sloan.

Questions will be taken from the audience, and a resource-rich ABC Future Forum website has been established to provide access to research and information on the topics discussed, and a bonus video, to take the conversation further.

The Future Forum series is a joint venture between ANU and ABC News 24, with support and input from the HC Coombs Policy Forum working in cooperation with the Communications and External Liaison Office at ANU.

More information is available at the Future Forum website: http://www.abc.net.au/news/abcnews24/programs/future-forum/